About Kate

I graduated from the University of the West of England with a Sports Conditioning degree and began a career in the sports and physical education sector. I then qualified as a Sports Massage Therapist with SPS Learn through Teeside University.

I am a member of the Sports Massage Association, and also qualified in Pregnancy Massage, Indian Head Massage and Facial Lifting Massage and dry needling.

I treated at the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics which was an incredible experience for me. I learned so much and gained a lot of experience from so many people presenting different injuries and physical irritations from their sports.

I have over 12 years’ experience and feel that I am skilled at working with my clients to trace the causes of pain and discomfort and improving the function of their muscles. I am experienced in dealing with how the body functions as a whole, the relationship between muscles and the subsequent effect on preventing injuries and their recurrence.

I have continued to study and improve my skills as a practitioner. This has allowed me to add many more ‘tools to my toolbox’ of techniques and therefore provide a more targeted approach to massage. I have worked with chiropractors for years and have gained a lot of medical knowledge which again has allowed me to be able to get to the root cause of pain for clients and treat those areas in a bespoke manor.

I am passionate to continue to further my studies and keep learning new techniques so that I am able to help my clients.
