Sports Massage

Despite the title, this form of massage is not only beneficial to people who participate in sport, it is hugely beneficial to anyone suffering from tight, achy muscles whether you are 10 years old, 40 years old or 80 years old. We all ask a lot of our bodies and can often feel uncomfortable due to tension.

Sports soft tissue massage also known as “deep tissue massage” is specifically aimed to loosen and release tension in the muscles. By applying pressure and often holding sore points also known as trigger points, tension reduces, relieving discomfort, aching or pain. It promotes faster healing of strained muscles, improves the circulation of blood and lymphatic drainage, helps with relieving tension, stiffness and muscles spasms, as well as by increasing joint flexibility and range of motion.

In a sporting environment and at any level of sport, a specific sports massage can be beneficial at any stage of participation;

  • Conditioning/training

  • Pre competition

  • Inter competition

  • Post competition

  • Post travel

  • Injury prevention


1 Hour Sports Massage - £50.00 | 30 Minute Sport Massage - £35.00 | 90 Minutes - £70.00 | 2 Hours - £90.00