Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage helps relieve and manage the pain caused by the changes to the women’s body during pregnancy; for example, Pelvic Girdle Pain.

Benefits of having a specialist massage whilst pregnant

  • Reduction of stress, tension and anxiety

  • Reduction of pregnancy related swelling in hands, feet and ankles

  • Easing of muscular discomforts, as a result of being pregnant, in areas such as the lower back & neck, the calves, as well as reducing tension and tightening that can be experienced throughout the body

  • Helps with relaxation which in turn can increase quality of sleep whilst pregnant

  • Increases blood and lymph flow which can help increase the elimination of toxins through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, this can also help with fatigue and in the delivery of more oxygen and nutrients to pregnant mother and baby

  • Increases oxygen in the blood

  • Stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, into the brain and nervous system

  • Helps relieve anxiety and/or depression

  • Can be used during the birth as well as after making both experiences easier and more comfortable

  • Eases stress after the birth

There are three positions to be massaged in depending which is more  comfortable:

  • Face down on a special pregnancy pillow

  • Side-lie

  • Sat on an exercise ball, leaning over the couch

“Since carrying my daughter for 9 months I can now really appreciate the pains in the body that can present during pregnancy. Being able to have treatment on the muscles that are being pulled tight as the baby moves and grows is really important and helpful. I definitely would have been a lot grumpier throughout my pregnancy without regular sessions!”


1 Hour Pregnancy Massage - £55.00